Sunday, February 2, 2014

A little about me..

I have been wanting to write for many years where I could communicate my thoughts on what we actually mean by health. the next logical thought for anyone reading this would be why health as there are thousands of blogs, websites talking about the same topic. Well here I am not going to talk about health problems, diseases or even talk about prevention per se as according to me these are negative views about "health". When I post a discussion either my personal views or from other sources, it will be look at holistic solution of understanding why we have health issues ranging from allergies, acne, indigestion, mental health to lifestyle related like hypertension, diabetes and life threatening ones such as cancer. I also will make an attempt to look at psychosomatic link in creating an imbalance in harmonious functioning of the body. The whole assumption here would be to accept ourselves the way we are in  a positive light and bring a shift in our thinking. This will be  beginning to see ourselves in a new light, to 'accept' ourselves and move away from the victim energies or negative thinking that keeps us from evolving from the diseased state.

Is this a self help blog? I am not sure what to say. Most of the posts will be my experiences, what I have read and what i believe in.

A bit about me
I am a homeopathy doctor with masters in health administration. I have been involved with the non- profit sector for over 10 years. The main reason for shifting from a clinical based practice to a public health was the idea to work in the area of preventive health but I spent major part of those years working in the field of tuberculosis control programme in urban slums where prevention or awareness became a smaller part of the whole project. I finally quit to reevaluate what was my life purpose and after spending few months in sabbatical, I have found my calling homeopathy which I believe is an advanced intuitive medicine that works on restoring harmonious functioning working at strengthening the immune system of an individual based on the principal of psychosomatic linkages of disturbance in health.

Other interests include tarot cards, positive affirmations, reading

All content posted here is not going to be original. If I am copying or sharing from another blog, website, author, I will try my best to mention the references in the same post to avoid any copyright issues. No ideas are original, but we learn so much from others and form our own ideology.

I will end this first post with the following note (original image created by me)

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