I have observed that whenever there are issues, situations, obstacles in life, the first reaction in people is about what others will think of them, their behaviour to the extent of framing imaginary things about what others will be talking about them. Let us analyze this more. There are multiple aspects to the statement that I have made here.
Firstly, if you are concerned about your image in front of others, you have to question your conduct in day to day life that others are not observing minutely. Are you conducting yourself with integrity and basic etiquette even when others are not around. How honest and transparent are you in your daily life? Do you really have something to hide what may become an object of ridicule for others? If you give your 100% and are transparent in your dealings, you will never consider about what others think because you know in your heart and in your truth that you have given the very best to this situation/obstacle. It is always about your reaction to a situation, how you perceive your realty and what actions you take rather than what the actual situation is.
Secondly how easily do you start judging others and gossip and ridicule them? Do we really know their story? What gives us the right to judge someone and form opinions when are not in their shoes? Do we actually listen to what others say about themselves or we already have a story about them in our heads and we put in replay mode every time we hear their names. If joking about others/gossiping/ridiculing people is a part of your nature and you enjoy doing this then yes you will definitely be concerned about what others are talking/saying about you. It is your very own action that instills fear in you about what others of you.
Lastly what we think about others, what actions/reactions we have towards situations are based on our own perceptions. So what others think about is an extension of your thinking pattern or you thought system rather than what are the actual facts. It is an extension of the self image we carry of ourselves. We need to examine what is that we are insecure about, where is this insecurity coming from, what is making us so fearful about what others may apparently say (which is actually an extension of your thought system and your ego).
We can say that before being concerned about what others say, let us first examine and question ourselves. And in this process it is imperative to work on one's own self esteem and image. How honest and transparent am I with myself? Do I have some self denials that need to be explored? What are my insecurities and fears? It is not about self critique. It is about evolving to be a better person.
#opinions #whatothersthink #perception #positiveliving
Firstly, if you are concerned about your image in front of others, you have to question your conduct in day to day life that others are not observing minutely. Are you conducting yourself with integrity and basic etiquette even when others are not around. How honest and transparent are you in your daily life? Do you really have something to hide what may become an object of ridicule for others? If you give your 100% and are transparent in your dealings, you will never consider about what others think because you know in your heart and in your truth that you have given the very best to this situation/obstacle. It is always about your reaction to a situation, how you perceive your realty and what actions you take rather than what the actual situation is.
Secondly how easily do you start judging others and gossip and ridicule them? Do we really know their story? What gives us the right to judge someone and form opinions when are not in their shoes? Do we actually listen to what others say about themselves or we already have a story about them in our heads and we put in replay mode every time we hear their names. If joking about others/gossiping/ridiculing people is a part of your nature and you enjoy doing this then yes you will definitely be concerned about what others are talking/saying about you. It is your very own action that instills fear in you about what others of you.
Lastly what we think about others, what actions/reactions we have towards situations are based on our own perceptions. So what others think about is an extension of your thinking pattern or you thought system rather than what are the actual facts. It is an extension of the self image we carry of ourselves. We need to examine what is that we are insecure about, where is this insecurity coming from, what is making us so fearful about what others may apparently say (which is actually an extension of your thought system and your ego).
We can say that before being concerned about what others say, let us first examine and question ourselves. And in this process it is imperative to work on one's own self esteem and image. How honest and transparent am I with myself? Do I have some self denials that need to be explored? What are my insecurities and fears? It is not about self critique. It is about evolving to be a better person.
#opinions #whatothersthink #perception #positiveliving